Privacy Policy

Choupette is concerned about protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy.

With this privacy policy which refers to the site Choupette is intended to provide users with information about the data controllers, the personal information collected through the online store, the purposes of the processing, the means by which such information is processed, the third parties involved in the processing, the security measures adopted to protect and safeguard the data collected, and the means through which the user can verify the processing of data concerning him/her.

We collect and process personal data that the user provides voluntarily when interacting with the functionalities and services of the online store.

Browsing data – cookies

When you visit and view the online store we generally collect browsing data using cookies or other tracking technologies. Such information allows access to the online store as well as the use of certain services and may be used anonymously and aggregated for statistical purposes and to verify the proper functioning of the online store. Choupette uses them to facilitate access to online services, to authenticate the user if he/she is a previously registered user, to store the items in the shopping cart for purchases, to study the habits and consumption choices of users in order to make the products and initiatives more responsive to the tastes and needs of its customers.

Browsing data are kept for no longer than 7 days and are deleted immediately after their aggregation (except for any need to ascertain crimes by the judicial authority).

Purposes of the processing

Choupette process the users’ data for the following purposes:

    • operational management of browsing on the online store;
    • management of the online store security;
    • statistical processing;
    • compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;
    • customer care;
    • management of sales and transactions performed in the context of the online store;
    • management of orders, sale and delivery of products;
    • management of returns and warranties, and other activities necessary for the sale of.

Processing methods

The users’ personal data are processed by computer and telematic methods, mainly by electronic and automated means and limited to particular operations, by paper.

In accordance with the GDPR and applicable laws, specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, unlawful or improper use, and unauthorized access.

Users’ rights

You can always exercise your rights by sending us an email to [email protected]

You have the right to access the information about you.

This includes the right to ask us for further information about:

    • the categories of data we process;
    • the purposes of the processing;
    • the categories of any recipients who may be provided with your data;
    • the period that the data will be stored, or if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
    • the other rights regarding the use of your data.

We will provide you with the information within one month of receiving your request, unless this adversely affects the rights and freedoms of other parties (e.g. the confidentiality of another person or intellectual property) or if there are legal obligations that prevent us from doing so. We will inform you if we are unable to meet your request for these reasons.

You have the right to have your personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or not up to date.

You have the right to have your personal data erased (right to be forgotten).

You have the right to transmit your data to another operator (data portability).

You have the right to object to us processing your personal data.

You have the right to object to the use of your data through automated decisions, including profiling.

We guarantee your rights even if we process your personal data on behalf of third parties.

Nevertheless, we should remind you that:

    • You provide us with your data at your own risk. We do everything within our power but, unfortunately, as the way things stand, there is no 100% secure means of data transmission.
    • You need to keep your username and password safe at all times: you are the only one who knows them.
    • If you feel that you have suffered a data breach, we would ask you to contact us immediately at [email protected]